Sunday, April 3, 2011

the little old lady in borders

our borders is closing and so i decided to go walk around (which is pointless to do if you don't know what you want..but that's besides the point) anyway while i was aimlessly searching the picked over shelves i decided to check out the bathroom (i always look at the bathrooms wherever i go...yes i know-curiosity killed the cat) as soon as i walked in i was welcomed by a little old lady sitting in a chair in the corner. my first thought was 'why the heck is there a lady in here and why is she saying hi to me?' my second thought was 'maybe she's just waiting for somebody.' but as soon as i saw that all the stalls were empty i resorted to 'she must just be a crazy old lady.' while as i was fixing my hair in the mirror this lady continued to carry on a conversation with me and then quickly finished my hair and left the bathroom. i couldn't stop thinking about her as i finished walking around the store. i didn't see her again but as i was walking out to my car, i saw a bike that had a backpack hanging on it. i then realized that the 'crazy old lady' was homeless. my heart dropped and i felt so bad for being rude and short with her. i couldve been the only jesus she will ever see yet i didn't give her the time of day. i prayed for her all the way home.