Sunday, August 14, 2011

italia journal entry 3

day 5 7/27
im so tired, i've had hardly no sleep and my infection is coming back. lord i dont understand everything you do. help me trust you and know that you can heal me, ive been sick for so long - help me find my strength in you. i didnt think i would be but im extremly homesick. got you are the almighty comforter, please wrap your arms around me and comfort me. protect my family at home, keep them safe.
it's absolutely beautiful here. mountains reach to the clouds and cities are nestled into the mountains. flowers of every color are everywhere you look. its the perfect temperature and whie laundry is hanging off every building. the people at the church are so happy and inviting. the men are true gentlemen and woman are beautiful. the people are friendly but look like they are hurting inside. the bugs here are much bigger than the ones at home. there a very odd smell here and milk tastes like cheese. the pasta is delicious and the jam is so sweet and tasty.
god we traveled so far and for so long to get here. you have us here for a reason. help me be a light to the people here. teach me your ways o lord! use me . change me. empower me. i wanna fall more in love with you.

italia journal entry 2

day 3 7/25
as i walked out of service last night, there were hundreds of tiki torches spread out around campus. there was loud booming native music and crosses set up around the field. each country gathered around their designated crosses and prayed in their small groups. i dont think i've ever had so many people praying for me specifically. it was so powerful and moving that i burst out in tears. i cant explain the feeling but i truely felt the presence of god. knowing that people who i barely knew cared about me was an overwhelming feeling. following the time of prayer, i was so excited because i thought i could finally shower and go to bed. instead of getting ready for bed i was told we had to practice our drama for two more hours! it was already 11pm and we had barely slept the night before. it was a big struggle for me not to complain. i was weak, thirsty, hot, and didn't feel good. i believe god used those tough experiences to make me stronger both mentally and spiritually. i so badly wanted to go home and asked myself it was really worth it. but i knew god was with me.

italia journal entry 1

italy was such an amazing experience. i wish i could share everything that happened with everybody, show everyone everything i saw, and express to everyone the feelings i felt. but im not silly, and i know i cant do that. so what i decided to do is share with you some of my journal entries. they may be boring or not make much sense but i means something to me. happy reading!
day 2 7/24
this is not what i was expecting at all. after waiting in the airport for over three hours and the long rickety bus ride to garden valley i was greeted by several people cheering for me. i certainly felt welcomed. though it is so so so hot here and there are several different types of people, we are all here for one reason: you.
god this is the oddest thing i've ever done. i feel like i dont belong here, im such a sinner. i go against your word everyda. lord im tired, ive barely slept the last two days. give me enery. help me be alive in you. my body is full of infection i feel like im withering away but lord you are MY HEALER! heal my body, help it not be a distraction. i dont want to just pray a prayer, i want to dance with you-just you and me. my heart yearns for you. im so lost and broken. change me. consume me. teach me.
lord why am i here?
im uncomfortable and feel so small but i know you have me here for a reason. you're molding me into the person you want me to become. you're asking me to step out of my comfort zone and this is WAY out of it. i've already felt like giving up but i know you want me here. you've provided a way for me to get your, you're with me right now. help me feel your presence, keep my mind off home and focused on you. save me lord. humble my heart.